Make Up Policy

           Makeup Policy on Assignments, Labs and Tests
·         It is the student’s responsibility to request makeup assignments.

·         Assignments are due in a time equal to the number of days absent + one extra day.

·        Late work:  I will accept late work for up to one week at 50% of its original value.  I want all students to complete the assigned work but I believe it is in the student’s best interest to practice time management and organization skills as these are critical skills for their success in high school and future jobs.  However, students can submit 5 “Science Bills” for one late assignment without penalty. Please reference the “Science Bills” Program.

·       Makeup tests: If a student is absent the day of the test, the student will take the test the day they return.  If absent for two or more days, the student will have a week to make up the test, quiz and/or labs missed.

o   NOTE: Makeup laboratory assignments and exams must be done at times other than when the class meets.  This may be before or after the student’s regular school day.  It must be done by prior arrangement with the teacher.  No pass or excuse will be given to miss another class to do makeup work.

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