Discipline/Rewards - Science Bills Rewards Program

                  “Science Bills”

"Positive behavior is the key to success"
In my classroom I reward positive behavior.  I have found this to be successful in creating a fun and engaging learning environment.  In my classroom I utilize a system called “Science Bills”. Each student will be given 5 “Science Bills” at the beginning of each trimester  It is the student’s responsibility to keep them safe; if they are lost, they will not be replaced.  Students can earn “Science Bills” throughout the year by being a positive contributor, working diligently and safely in labs, participating in class discussions, answering questions, completing assignments to a high standard, exhibiting positive classroom behavior and respecting others.  Students can then use these “Science Bills” to submit late work, to request a redo on an assignment/quiz or they can be traded in at the end of the semester for extra credit. 

(adapted from http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/more/management/bigbucks.htm, and
https://sites.google.com/a/fifeschools.com/aker-sci/ )

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